
The Dartmouth Apologia sponsors a multitude of events, including discussions, termly guest lecturers, annual conferences, and much more. For the latest updates on our events, check this page or follow us on social media.

Recent Guest Lectures

Dr. Deborah Haarsma, President of BioLogos, delivered a guest lecture titled “Christian Perspectives on Creation, Evolution, and Design”. Many people have heard of only two positions on origins: young earth creationism and atheistic evolutionism. Yet Christians today hold a variety of views, including views which accept the scientific evidence for an old universe and even evolution while also upholding the scriptural authority and God as the Creator and Designer. Dr. Haarsma will discuss multiple Christian views on origins, introduce the key scientific evidence, and reflect on what it all means for our view of God…and ourselves.

Dr. Ted Davis of Messiah University explained how Christian faith actually complements the scientific perception of the world rather than contradicts it. Breaking down the dichotomy between science and Christianity, Dr. Davis explained how they work hand-in-hand in deepening our understanding of reality and nature beyond what can be understood by science or Christianity alone. A recording of the lecture is included below:

The Wheelock Conference

Join us for Dartmouth’s annual Christian conference. For updates on future Wheelock Conferences, visit the webpage linked above.


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